Dear All
We are living through unprecedented times. I have as you may have noticed been quiet on the website, Facebook and Twitter. This is not the time for playing politics.
Last Friday the elections were postponed for a year. I spent the weekend and early part of the week cancelling events and thanking all those who had supported and delivered ready for the PCC election. The amount of support was overwhelming and the messages very appreciated. I will remain as the candidate and once this National Emergency is over - we will resume normal activities.
Therefore any comments made in the foreseeable future will not be of a campaigning nature.
As Chair of Governors of Bournemouth School I am involved in ongoing discussions ensuring we react in a measured and correct fashion. The head, SLT and staff continue to be superb and in a very changeable environment we have stayed strong and done the absolute best for the pupils that we can. It was upsetting to see those about to take exams and their reactions – this has to be made right for them and I am confident that the government will get that right.
Then the issue is about what can we all do to help in our own communities. The spirit from most people is absolutely amazing. See this as an example:-
There is no issue with the supermarket supply chains if we all remain sensible so please do not panic buy – that just makes it worse for everyone. Anyone in doubt please remember this:-
To help I have offered my services as a free delivery boy to some shops on our High Street. People who can’t get out to the shops because of self-isolation will need to get their goods delivered. We also have to keep our businesses going as far as possible as they are the backbone of our communities.
So please keep an eye on your neighbours, friends and family, follow the government advice and help wherever you can by staying in as much as possible. We will get through this and one day it will be a story to tell future generations.
Keep well my friends.